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Eleanor Page 39

  9. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Louis Weiss, May 26, 1943; letter from Rose Halprin to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 1, 1943.

  10. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Rose Halprin, Dec. 1, 1943; letter from Isaiah Bowman to Eleanor Roosevelt, Jan. 24, 1944.

  11. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Levin, Jan. 31, 1944.

  12. Letter from Trude W. Lash to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 19, 1945.

  13. Letter from Stephen S. Wise to Chaim Weizmann, March 21, 1945.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt Jewish Memorial Book Committee, Nov. 12, 1945.

  16. Letter from Trude W. Lash to Joseph P. Lash, Aug. 27, 1945.

  17. Letter from Helen Waren to Eleanor Roosevelt, Sept. 29, 1945, Oct. 14, 1945, and Nov. 6, 1945; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Helen Waren, Oct. 22, 1945.

  18. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Nov. 20, 1945, and Truman’s reply, Nov. 26, 1945.

  19. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Colestone, Jan. 18, 1946.

  20. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Kathleen McLaughlin, Jan. 16, 1946; New York Herald Tribune, Feb. 14, 1946; E. Roosevelt, On My Own, cited (Ch. 1), p. 56.

  21. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Feb. 14, 1946; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Carola von Schaeffer-Bernstein, May 11, 1946; E. Roosevelt, On My Own, p. 57.

  22. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” June 15, 1946.

  23. Ibid., June 22, 1946.

  24. Ibid., June 24, 1946.

  25. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Lady Reading, Aug. 23, 1946.

  26. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Aug. 19, 1946; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Siegel, Sept. 5, 1946; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Davar, Dec. 11, 1946.

  27. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Feb. 27, 1947, April 27 and 26, 1947.

  28. Ibid., May 14, 1947.

  29. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George C. Marshall, May 26, 1947 (the author has not been able to locate this letter), and Marshall’s reply, June 20, 1947.

  30. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Zelson, June 28, 1947.

  31. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Aug. 23, 1947.

  32. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Aug. 30, 1947; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Sept. 12, 1947.

  33. Herbert Feis, The Birth of Israel (New York, 1969), p. 43.

  34. Forrestal, The Forrestal Diaries, cited (Ch. 4), p. 8.

  35. Interview with Durward Sandifer; Lash Diaries, Sept. 29, 1947; memorandum from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, March, 1946, and Truman’s reply, March 7, 1946.

  36. Feis, The Birth of Israel, op. cit., p. 45; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Lessing J. Rosenwald, Oct. 1, 1947.

  37. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Oct. 15, 1947; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Binn, Oct. 24, 1947.

  38. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Bacon, Feb. 27, 1948.

  39. Feis, p. 51.

  40. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, undated (but clearly written in Jan., 1948).

  41. James Reston, in the New York Times, Jan. 27, 1948.

  42. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George C. Marshall, Jan. 28, 1948.

  43. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Jan. 29, 1948.

  44. Letter from Harry S. Truman to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 2, 1948; letter from George C. Marshall to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 16, 1948.

  45. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George C. Marshall, Feb. 16, 1948.

  46. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Feb. 20, 1948.

  47. New York Times, Feb. 24, 1948.

  48. Letter from Harry S. Truman to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 27, 1948.

  49. Interview with Benjamin V. Cohen.

  50. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George C. Marshall, March 22, 1948; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, March 22, 1948.

  51. Letter from Harry S. Truman to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 25, 1948.

  52. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, March 26, 1948; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” April 1, 1948.

  53. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Adlai Stevenson, April 28, 1948.

  54. Forrestal, pp. 405, 406, 411; interview with Benjamin V. Cohen.

  55. Harry S. Truman, Years of Trial and Hope, vol. II of Memoirs (Garden City, N.Y., 1955), p. 163.

  56. Letter from Harry S. Truman to Eleanor Roosevelt, May 20, 1948; letter from George C. Marshall to Eleanor Roosevelt, May 18, 1948.

  57. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to A. David Gurewitsch, May 26, 1948.

  58. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Bernard Baruch, Oct. 4, 1948, and Baruch’s reply, Oct. 15, 1948; interview with Porter McKeever.

  59. New York Times, Oct. 29, 1948.

  60. Memorandum from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Dec. 28, 1948.

  61. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Miller, Dec. 21, 1948.

  62. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Berg, April 25, 1950.

  63. Conversation with Ralph Bunche; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Trude W. Lash, Feb. 22, 1952; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, March 5, 1952.


  1. Lash Diaries, Sept. 2, 1946.

  2. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to S. V. Feeley, June 24, 1946.

  3. Lash Diaries, Sept. 2, 1946.

  4. Eleanor Roosevelt, “Why I Do Not Choose to Run,” Look, July 9, 1946.

  5. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 1), Oct. 16, 1946.

  6. Letter from Charl Williams to Eleanor Roosevelt, Nov. 7, 1946, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Nov. 9, 1946; “A Visit with Mrs. Roosevelt Two Years after Her Husband’s Death,” PM, April 6, 1947.

  7. Jonathan Daniels, The Man of Independence (New York, 1950), p. 22; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Nov. 8, 1946.

  8. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, June 30, 1946.

  9. Letter from Joseph P. Lash to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 25, 1946, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Aug. 8, 1946; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Fiorello H. La Guardia, April 11, 1947.

  10. Letter from Edwin W. Pauley to Eleanor Roosevelt, June 9, 1947; and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, June 14, 1947.

  11. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Sept. 3, 1947.

  12. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to William O’Dwyer, Sept. 2, 1947; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Sept. 13, 1947.

  13. Woman’s Home Companion, Feb., 1948.

  14. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Dec. 29, 30, and 31, 1947.

  15. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Jan. 16, 1948, and Truman’s reply, Jan. 19, 1948.

  16. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Jan. 29, 1948.

  17. Ibid., Feb. 20, 1948.

  18. Letter from Harry S. Truman to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 27, 1948, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, March 4, 1948.

  19. Lash Diaries, March 30, 1948.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, March 26, 1948.

  22. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George C. Marshall, March 27, 1948, and Marshall’s reply, April 5, 1948.

  23. Letter from Lewis Douglas to George C. Marshall, May 3, 1948; letter from May Craig to Eleanor Roosevelt, May 5, 1948, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, May 11, 1948.

  24. Letter from Chester Bowles to Eleanor Roosevelt, June 18, 1948.

  25. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Chester Bowles, June 23, 1948; Clare Luce statement quoted in the New York World-Telegram, June 28, 1948; letter from Mrs. Baxter to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 1, 1948; Doris Fleeson, in the Washington Star.

  26. New York Times, July 1, 1948; Daniels, The Man of Independence, op. cit., p. 349.

  27. Irwin Ross, The Loneliest Campaign: The Truman Victory of 1948 (New York, 1968), p. 115; telegram from Eleanor Roosevelt to William O. Douglas, undated.

  28. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, July 28, 1948; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Mortimer, Aug.
6, 1948; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Lokken, July, 10, 1948: E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” June 1, 1948.

  29. Memorandum from William L. Batt to Clark Clifford, Aug. 6, 1948; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, Aug. 13, 1948.

  30. Eleanor Roosevelt explained her position in a letter she wrote to Frances Perkins, Oct. 4, 1948; also, letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Aug. 19, 1948.

  31. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Bernard Baruch, Oct. 4, 1948.

  32. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Frances Perkins, Oct. 4, 1948.

  33. New York Times, Nov. 1, 1948.

  34. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, Nov. 5, 1948.

  35. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Trude W. Lash, Nov. 17, 1948.

  36. Memorandum from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Dec. 28, 1948.

  37. Letter from Adlai Stevenson to Eleanor Roosevelt, Nov. 6, 1948.


  1. Westbrook Pegler, in the New York Journal-American, July 11, 1949.

  2. Carl T. Rowan, “The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt,” New York Post, March, 1958; letter from Mrs. Westbrook Pegler to Eleanor Roosevelt, in the Ladies’ Home Journal, Jan., 1949.

  3. Harold Lavine, “Life with Eleanor,” Newsweek, Aug. 22, 1949.

  4. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Betty Hight, Aug. 15, 1949; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Herbert Lehman, Aug. 11, 1949.

  5. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Betty Hight, Aug. 15, 1949.

  6. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 1), June 23, 1949.

  7. Letter from Francis Cardinal Spellman to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 21, 1949.

  8. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” July 23, 1949; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Francis Cardinal Spellman, dated July 23, 1949, and released July 28, 1949.

  9. Letter from May Craig to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 26, 1949; Arriba, Aug. 9, 1949; Associated Press, June 2, 1949.

  10. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Betty Hight, Aug. 15, 1949.

  11. Letter from May Craig to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 26, 1949; letter from Doris Fleeson to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 7, 1949; Raleigh News and Observer, Aug. 8, 1949; letter from William Hassett to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 22, 1949; letter from William Phillips to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 26, 1949; letter from Rose Schneiderman to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 24, 1949.

  12. Interview with Mrs. Herbert Lehman; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Louis Weiss, July, 1949.

  13. Letter from William Hassett to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 5, 1949; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George Fischer, Sept. 5, 1949.

  14. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dean Acheson, July 31, 1949.

  15. Letter from Harry S. Truman to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 2, 1949; letter from William Hassett to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 5, 1949.

  16. Lash Diaries, Aug. 8, 1949.

  17. Letter from Agnes Meyer to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 4, 1949.

  18. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Agnes Meyer, Aug. 8, 1949.

  19. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Aug. 6, 1949.

  20. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Agnes Meyer, Aug. 8, 1949; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Cyril Clemens, Aug. 23, 1949.

  21. Newsweek, Aug. 22, 1949; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Aug. 24, 1949.

  22. Letter from Charl Williams to Eleanor Roosevelt, Sept. 1, 1949; Irwin Ross, “Cardinal Spellman,” New York Post, Sept. 18, 1957.

  23. Lash Diaries, Aug. 8, 1949.

  24. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Edward Flynn, Sept. 13, 1949.

  25. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, Oct. 6, 1949.

  26. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Nussbaum, Feb. 12, 1950; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George Barsky, March 4, 1950.

  27. Interview with Mrs. Herbert Lehman; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George Fischer, Sept. 5, 1949.


  1. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Josephus Daniels, May, 1947; Kahn, Jr., “The Years Alone,” cited (Ch. 3).

  2. Memoranda from Malvina Thompson to Eleanor Roosevelt, 1949.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Letter from William Bishop Scarlett to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 26, 1951.

  5. Letter from John Ihlder to Eleanor Roosevelt, April 8, 1949, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, undated.

  6. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Werner L. Gundesheimer, Dec. 15, 1953; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, Nov., 1949.

  7. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to her children, Aug. 28, 1947.

  8. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 1), Aug. 19, 1947; Kahn, Jr., “The Years Alone.”

  9. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Trude W. Lash, March 10, 1947.

  10. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Henry Toombs, June 10, 1947; interview with Marion Dickerman; letter from Nancy Cook to Eleanor Roosevelt, Oct. 3, 1947.

  11. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Henry Morgenthau, Jr., March 2, 1951.

  12. Lash Diaries, Oct. 26, 1949; Westbrook Pegler, syndicated column, Jan. 22, 1945, Dec. 23, 1948, and Aug. 17, 1949.

  13. Interview with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.

  14. Memorandum by Charles F. Palmer at Hyde Park, June 23, 1951; “Mrs. R.,” Time, April 7, 1952; W. H. Auden and Louis Kronenberger, eds., The Viking Book of Aphorisms: A Personal Selection (New York, 1962), p. 391.

  15. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, Sept. 12, 1948.

  16. Interview with Maureen Corr; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Ralph Thompson, Jan. 19, 1951; letter from Malvina Thompson to W. Funk, Oct. 22, 1946.

  17. New York Post, May 18, 1949.

  18. Richard L. Wilson, “Two Young Roosevelts Race for the White House,” Look, Nov. 22, 1949.

  19. Lash Diaries, Nov. 11, 1950, and July 19, 1950.

  20. Earl Warren’s comment quoted in the New York Times, Sept. 13, 1950; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Betty Hight, Sept. 18, 1950; Lash Diaries, Nov. 6, 1950.

  21. Letter from W. J. Vigneault to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 26, 1949, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, July 29, 1949.

  22. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Betty Hight, Dec. 12, 1950.

  23. Lash Diaries, Sept. 21, 1949.

  24. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Sept. 9, 1947.

  25. Interview with Elliott Roosevelt; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Feb. 3, 1958; Eleanor Roosevelt, Autobiography (New York, 1961), p. 36.

  26. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, July 23, 1948; interview with Anna Roosevelt Halsted.

  27. Letter from Lawrence S. Kubie to Joseph P. Lash, June 7, 1964.

  28. Interview with A. David Gurewitsch; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to A. David Gurewitsch, Dec. 13, 1947, and April 17, 1948.

  29. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, undated; Variety quoted in Alfred Steinberg, Mrs. R.: The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt (New York, 1958), p. 344; letter from Robert E. Kintner to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 21, 1949.

  30. Lash Diaries, Dec. 10, 1949.

  31. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to John Golden, June 28, 1951; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, March 6, 1950; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Tucker, Jan. 29, 1949.

  32. Letter from Lawrence Spivak to Eleanor Roosevelt, April 12, 1949.

  33. “Mrs. R.,” op. cit.; Howard Taubman, in the New York Times, Aug. 12, 1950.

  34. Letter from Joseph P. Lash to Trude W. Lash, Aug. 19, 1951.

  35. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Cummins, Feb. 13, 1951.

  36. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, Aug. 5, 1948; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to A. David Gurewitsch, undated; letter from Bruce Gould to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 2, 1949.

  37. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, Feb. 13, 1949; Bruce and Beatrice Gould, An American Story: Memories and Reflections of Bruce and Beatrice Gould (New York, 1968), p. 285.

  38. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Trude W. Lash, March 11, 1949; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Martha Strayer, June, 1949; memorandum from Malvina Thompson on discussion with
Bruce Gould, March 9, 1949; B. and B. Gould, An American Story, op. cit., p. 285.

  39. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Otis Wiese, March 11, 1949.

  40. Letter from George Bye to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 2, 1948; letter from Jonathan Daniels to Eleanor Roosevelt, May 3, 1949; letter from Bruce Gould to Eleanor Roosevelt, June 3, 1949.

  41. Elizabeth Janeway, in the New York Times Book Review, Nov. 6, 1949; Vincent Sheean, in the New York Herald Tribune Books, Nov. 6, 1949.

  42. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude and David Gray, undated, and David Gray’s reply, Dec. 19, 1949.

  43. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to John Gunther, June 2, 1950.

  44. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in the Saturday Review, Nov. 5, 1949.

  45. “Mrs. R.” op. cit.


  1. Letter from Lewis Douglas to George C. Marshall, May 3, 1948; interview with Durward Sandifer.

  2. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Ruth Eidson, March 22, 1950; letter from Dean Rusk to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 31, 1950; letter from Llewelyn Thompson to Malvina Thompson, May 18, 1950.

  3. Svenska Dagbladet, June 9, 1950; Dagens Nyheter, June 9, 1950.

  4. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. and Trude W. Lash, June 10, 1950.

  5. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Trude W. Lash, June 13, 1950.

  6. Ibid., June 18, 1950.

  7. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, June 20, 1950.

  8. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dean Acheson, June 13, 1950.

  9. Letter from Robert Murphy to Eleanor Roosevelt, June 23, 1950, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, undated.

  10. Letter from Peter Stewart (member of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations) to Eleanor Roosevelt, Nov. 16, 1951.

  11. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Betty Hight, Dec. 12, 1950.

  12. Memorandum from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry S. Truman, undated.

  13. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Avra M. Warren, Dec. 22, 1951.

  14. Letter from Dean Acheson to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 13, 1952; U.S. delegation press release, Nov. 16, 1951; Eleanor Roosevelt, “Voice of America” broadcast, Paris, Nov. 16, 1951.

  15. Richard N. Gardner, “First Lady of the Voice of America,” New York Times Magazine, Feb. 3, 1952; letter from Dean Acheson to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 13, 1952.